Indiana Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Articles of Volume-2:Issue-1

 Research Article 

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  The Effects of Circuit Training On Selected Physical Fitness Components: With Specific Reference to Dessie Town Basketball Project Players

  Abdulaziz Hassen Indris

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2021; 2(1): 21-26

  Vol-2, Iss-1 (Jan, 2021)


 Research Article 

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  Improving Refugees’ Livelihoods through Self-Reliance Strategies in Nakivale Settlement, South Western Uganda

  Abbas Mugisha, Emmanuel Mbache, Reguli Mushy

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2021; 2(1): 14-20

  Vol-2, Iss-1 (Jan, 2021)


 Research Article 

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  Marx’s Critique of Normative Ethics: It’s Relevance

  Yohannes Eshetu

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2021; 2(1): 9-13

  Vol-2, Iss-1 (Jan, 2021)


 Research Article 

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  An Assessment of Technology as a Contributing Factor to the Development of Democracy in Nigeria: An Opinion Sampling on the Use of Electronic Device in 2015 General Election

  Ibrahim Baba & Baba Saleh Ahmed

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2021; 2(1): 1-8

  Vol-2, Iss-1 (Jan, 2021)



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