Indiana Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Articles of Volume-2:Issue-6

 Research Article 

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  Contribution of Pāḷi and Sanskrit to Buddhism

  Miss Hla Tin

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2021; 2(6): 26-29

  Vol-2, Iss-6 (Jun, 2021)


 Research Article 

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  Contrast of an Exploratory Model of the Dimensions of Cyber Tourism

  Enrique Martínez Muñoz, Rosa María Rincón Ornelas, María Luisa Quintero Soto, Gilberto Bermúdez Ruíz & Cruz García Lirios

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2021; 2(6): 22-25

  Vol-2, Iss-6 (Jun, 2021)


 Research Article 

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  Review of Perceived Occupational in the Covid-19 Era

  Enrique Martínez Muñoz, Rosa María Rincón Ornelas, María Luisa Quintero Soto, Gilberto Bermúdez Ruíz & Cruz García Lirios

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2021; 2(6): 16-21

  Vol-2, Iss-6 (Jun, 2021)


 Research Article 

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