Indiana Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Articles of Volume-2:Issue-9

 Research Article 

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  Hospitality and the Societal Impacts (Theological-Ethical Perspective)

  Rev. Silas T. Silas

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2021; 2(9): 56-63

  Vol-2, Iss-9 (Sep, 2021)


 Research Article 

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  Corporal Punishment: Effects on Children and the Society (Theological-Ethical Perspective)

  Rev. Silas Tom Silas

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2021; 2(9): 49-55

  Vol-2, Iss-9 (Sep, 2021)


 Review Article 

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  Individual Acceptance of Technology: A Critical Review of Technology Adoption Models and Theories

  Fine Masimba, Tranos Zuva

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2021; 2(9): 37-48

  Vol-2, Iss-9 (Sep, 2021)


 Research Article 

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  Counselling Of Parents and Teachers of Gifted Children as a Sociological Tool for Sustainable Development in Modern Nigeria

  Odudele Rotimi, Ayegunle, Isaac Olusola

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2021; 2(9): 31-36

  Vol-2, Iss-9 (Sep, 2021)



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