Indiana Journal of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Articles of Volume-2:Issue-5

 Research Article 

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  In Vivo Bioactivity-Guided Fractions and Compounds Isolation of Antidiabetic Activities of Lawsonia Inermis Linn Leaves in Streptozocine Induced Diabetic Wistar Rats

  Abdulfatai Aremu, Olayinka A. Oridupa, Ganiu J. Akorede, Afisu Basiru, & Akeem O. Ahmed

  Ind J Agri Life Sci, 2022; 2(5): 53-61



 Research Article 

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  A Research Article on Importance of Hybrid Rice Cultivation in West Bengal

  Amzad Ali Gazi

  Ind J Agri Life Sci, 2022; 2(5): 44-48



 Review Article 

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  Impact of Bill Trimming on Duck Health and Welfare - A Review

  Ahmed Mohammed, Shaimaa Matouq, Eman Negm, & Madeha Darwish

  Ind J Agri Life Sci, 2022; 2(5): 17-26



 Research Article 

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  Design and Fabrication of Waterwheel for Lifting of Water

  Fahad Chandio, A. Rahim Junejo, Shah Faisal Shar, K. Rehman Bhutto, & Jahangeer Dahri

  Ind J Agri Life Sci, 2022; 2(5): 49-52



 Research Article 

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  Habitat and Frequency Distribution of Codonopsis Javanica (Blume) Hook. F & Thoms

  Nguyen Thi Bich Ngoc

  Ind J Agri Life Sci, 2022; 2(5): 12-16



 Research Article 

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  Glycaemic Control of Diabetes Using Solanium Nigrum (UNH 333a) Leaves in Geriatrics on Metformin Monotherapy

  Obi, L. C., Ikele, M. O., Onyegbutulem, H., Umeoduagu, N. D., Ganda, S., & Ochuba, C. O.

  Ind J Agri Life Sci, 2022; 2(5): 9-11



 Research Article 

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  Immuno-Modulatory Effects of Solanium Nigrum (UNH 333a) Leaves in Diabetic Geriatrics on Metformin Monotherapy

  Obi, L.C.*, Ikele, M. O., Onyegbutulem, H., Umeoduagu, N.D., Ganda, S., & Ochuba, C.O.

  Ind J Agri Life Sci, 2022; 2(5): 5-8




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