Indiana Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

Articles of Volume-2:Issue-6

 Research Article 

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  Constructing a Scale of Mental Resilience among University Students

  Dr. Muntaha Mutashar Abdul Sahib, & Assist. Prof. Dr. Afaf Ziad Wadi

  Ind J Multi Res, 2022; 2(6): 30-33



 Research Article 

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  Analysis of PTE Accumulation, Oil and Processed Products

  Fedash Anatoly Vladimirovich, Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy, Trinh Quoc Vinh, & Sergey Yakutseny

  Ind J Multi Res, 2022; 2(6): 25-29

  Vol-2, Iss-6 (Nov-Dec, 2022)


 Research Article 

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  Fabrication of Hybrid Composite Automotive Dashboard

  Dawit Wami Negera

  Ind J Multi Res, 2022; 2(6): 20-24



 Research Article 

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  Characteristics and Changes of the Temperature Field during Storms Operating in the East Sea under the Influence of Cold Air over Time

  Huong Chu Thi Thanh, Linh Tran Dinh, Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy

  Ind J Multi Res, 2022; 2(6): 15-19



 Research Article 

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  Composition - Biotoxic Activity and Toxic Ptes and Issues of Environment Effects

  Trinh Quoc Vinh, Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy, & Sergey Yakutseny

  Ind J Multi Res, 2022; 2(6): 1-5




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