Indiana Journal of Arts & Literature

Articles of Volume-3:Issue-12

 Review Article 

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  The Making of Early Kashmir: Landscape and Identity in the Rajatarangini

  Irfan Bashir

  Ind J Arts Lite, 2022; 3(12): 48-49

  Vol-3, Iss-12 (Dec, 2022)


 Research Article 

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  The Importance of Staging Works in the Karakalpak State Academic Musical Theater Named After Berdak

  Yusupov Kuanishbay Baltabaevich

  Ind J Arts Lite, 2022; 3(12): 45-47

  Vol-3, Iss-12 (Dec, 2022)


 Research Article 

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  Genocide of Law, Justice, Justice and its Mafiotization - There is no Rule of Law in Bulgaria! The Mafia Has a Country! Support of This Neo-Liberal Neo-Fascist Deep Mafia in Bulgaria from the USA - Presidents Obama, Trump, Biden and from the European Commission with Presidents Barroso, Jean Claude Juncker, Ursula Von Der Layen!! Loses of Over 290 Bil Euros!!

  Prof. Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev

  Ind J Arts Lite, 2022; 3(12): 16-44

  Vol-3, Iss-12 (Dec, 2022)


 Research Article 

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  Innovative Role of English Teachers through ESP

  Madhu Kewlani

  Ind J Arts Lite, 2022; 3(12): 13-15

  Vol-3, Iss-12 (Dec, 2022)


 Research Article 

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  Theory of Types of Sovereignty and Degrees of Sovereignty by Prof. Momchil Dobrev and Prof. Mariola Garibova-Dobreva from 2009 and Conquest of Countries and Nations by the Deep Mafia through their Control and Management

  Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev, & Mariola Garibova-Dobreva

  Ind J Arts Lite, 2022; 3(12): 1-12

  Vol-3, Iss-12 (Dec, 2022)



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