Indiana Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Articles of Volume-5:Issue-2

 Research Article 

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  Experience of Nurses Regarding Their Roles on Preparation of Patients Undergoing Medical Imaging At The State Hospital, Swakopmund, Erongo Region, Namibia

  Ms. Maria Tuliameni Fransisco, BNSc*, Dr Salomo Salomo, PhD, Ms. Kristofina Nakatana, MPH

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2024; 5(2): 30-37



 Research Article 

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  Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Knowledge and Attitudes, Regarding the Management of Sexual Transmitted Diseases

  Amakali Kristofina*, Amungulu Juliana, & Emvula Olivia

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2024; 5(2): 24-29



 Research Article 

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  Undergraduate Nursing Students Knowledge and Attitudes Towards The Management of Bipolar Mood Disorders

  Ndapandula Nghitelua, Olivia Emvula* and Salomo Salomo

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2024; 5(2): 19-23



 Research Article 

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  Optimizing Music-Based Interventions through Cognitive Process Leveraging and Utilization

  Geetha R. Bhat

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2024; 5(2): 11-18



 Research Article 

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  Exploring the Implementation Challenges of Digital Technology in Primary Education: A Case Study in Fiji's Western Division during the COVID-19 Pandemic - Insights from Teachers' Perspectives

  Jubeena Nazmeen Nisha, Samuela Nabolaniwaqa, Rohil Rishivendra Dass, Shania Sheshnita Kumar

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2024; 5(2): 1-10




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