Indiana Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Articles of Volume-4:Issue-7

 Research Article 

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  Beyond the Traditional Notions of Security in Africa: Exploring the Concept of Human Security in SADC through the Lens of Positive Peace

  Christopher Zishiri, & John Makambanga

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2023; 4(7): 34-42



 Research Article 

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  Perceptions of Fourth Year Nursing Students Regarding Objective Structured Clinical Examinations at the University of Namibia, Oshakati Campus

  Mr. Shikongo Fillemon, Dr. Salomo Salomo, & Ms. Shigwedha Popyeni

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2023; 4(7): 26-33



 Research Article 

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  Factors Contributing to Poor Attendance of Online Classes by Third Year Nursing Students of 2021 Academic Year at the University of Namibia, Oshakati Campus

  Ms. Erasmus Kronelia, Dr. Salomo Salomo, & Dr. Olivia Emvula

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2023; 4(7): 17-25



 Research Article 

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  An Exploration of Competence in Handling Orphans and Vulnerable Children among School Heads and Teachers in Public Primary Schools in Harare

  Dr. Tendayi Lemeyu, Dr. Unice Goshomi, & Dr. Tendai Chikutuma

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2023; 4(7): 9-16



 Review Article 

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  Philosophical Remedial Measures for De-Stressing

  Dr. G.N. Sharma & Dr. Amreen Fatima Shaikh

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2023; 4(7): 5-8



 Review Article 

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  The Role of the Temples in Rayalaseema under Rayas of Vliayanagaram (From 1336 to 1565 A.D.) - A Socio Cultural Study

  Dr. Mallela Nagendra

  Ind J human Soc Sci, 2023; 4(7): 1-4




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