Chief Editor: Dr. Arijit Chakraborty
Language : English Frequency : Bimonthly Origin: India
“Indiana Journal of Agriculture and Life Sciences” ISSN(Online): 2583-1623 is a Bi-Monthly, Open Access, Scholarly, Quality Publication of Peer-Reviewed and Refereed International Journal from Diverse Fields in Agriculture and Life Sciences Published by Indiana Publications. Indiana Journal of Agriculture and Life Sciences is Devoted to Rapid Publications of Outstanding Original Research Articles and Timely Reviews and Short Communication in all areas of Agriculture and Life Sciences and at the Interface of Related Disciplines.
The Scopes of the Journal: Molecular and Cellular Genetics, Cancer Research, Biochemistry, Taxonomy, Neurobiology and Neurotoxicology, Neurobiology, Toxicology, Aquatic toxicology, Immunology, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Genomics, Agronomy, Crop Science, Industrial Biotechnology, Microbial Biotechnology, Phytochemistry and Phytoremediation, Reproductive Biology, Veterinary Sciences, Biochemical Genetics, Biometry, Clinical Genetics, Genetic Epidemiology, Genetic Testing, Evolution and Population Genetics, Environmental Science, Molecular Genetics, Genetic and Plant Breeding, Horticulture, Irrigation, Plant-microbe Interactions, Postharvest Biology, Seed Science Research, Soil & Fertilization, Soil Research and Rehabilitation, Soil Science, Stored Products Research, Botany, Zoology, Ecology, Earth Sciences, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biophysics, Biostatistics, Cytobiology Developmental Biology, Entomology and all fields related to Agriculture and Life Sciences..